Friday, October 26, 2012

Class trip to the pumpkin patch

I chaperoned the annual trip to the Linder Farms pumpkin patch this morning. You might notice a lack of pictures. This is because I forgot my gloves and it was too cold to take my hands out of my pockets. I did get to talk to Liam's teacher about zombies though:

Mrs. Sly: I had a student who was afraid to use the bathroom because she though there were zombies in there.

Me: Liam would probably want to use the bathroom if he thought there were zombies in there.
Mrs Sly: Me too, I love zombies. 

And we love Mrs. Sly.

Liam however decided to invent a dance called "farting chicken" and to do this in front the group I was chaperoning, which they all started doing as well. Thanks, Liam.

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