Friday, July 8, 2011

Coming Fill Circle

Thanks to and their awesome coupons, I managed to get a full box of local produce from a family farm (OK, it's in Washington and now Idaho but we're close and that means our states are friends). The full retail is 36.95$ a box, and I got one for 18$. It's a mixture of whatever is seasonal and I just go pick it up downtown. It's a subscription service, so if I like it (translation: if it is worth the money) I will keep getting it. My first box arrives next Thursday and I am so excited!

But is it not ironic that I grew up in an area where all this was basically free? I do miss the small farming community in that regard, there was always fresh garden and  field grown veggies, orchards, fresh eggs, and venison for nothing more than a little effort. 

But still, very excited. I will post about this when we get it and see how many new recipes I come up with. 


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